Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Prisoner Hat Riddle

The Prisoner Hat Riddle 

You and Nine other prisoners have been captured by the super intelligent alien forces, who have captured you to make you all their feast for the day. But they have rule, they don't eat people you have good reasoning and logical skills.  So, they decide to take a test by which they can find out how logical are you (as a group or individually.) They place everyone of you in a single straight line in the order of your height. No one is allowed to leave the line or give any kinds of signals or see behind once you all have stood in that line. They then place a black or a white hat on your head and ask you to tell the colour of your hat. You are do not know the number of white or black hats individually. But you do know there are only this two colours.They have arranged the hats in random order. You can't say any other word other than those two words. And lastly, you all will be spared if at least nine of you give the right answer. So, how will you try and save everyone without breaking any rules?

think for yourself before seeing the answer.......
Answer :

As the person who is the tallest can see all the hats except for his. Hence, he can use the words black or white to send a secret code (which you have discussed before standing in line). 
As you need parity to deal with this because you have only two choices either white or black. So, we can think about such a thing which has only two outcomes. Let's think of odd and even numbers. every number can be defined as odd or even. Hence, you can make a code wherein you decide to say "Black" if there are an odd number of black hats or you say "White" if there are an even number of black hats in front of you. Hence, only the tallest guy can go wrong other all will get the right color and as we are allowed to give one wrong answer we all shall be spared by this logic.
~Jay Mehta


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