Saturday, March 12, 2016


Procrastination, before starting with the topic I would like to inform you guys that I have procrastinated a lot before writing this article.
So, What exactly does PROCRASTINATION mean,
  "The practice of carrying out less important (urgent) task in preference to more important ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less contented ones and thus putting off impending task to a later time. Sometimes to the last minute, just before the deadline. "

Why should we know about this topic?

To know in and out about procrastination is important for some really basic reasons,

  1. As, procrastination leads to appending of work at last minute it certainly leads to stress, anxiety, a sense of guilt and may even lead to serious crisis.
  2. The worst part of procrastination is that we lose our self-esteem and our personal and social productivity.
  3. Procrastinators are even socially disapproved at some part, as they often get late for most of the things and never accomplish their commitments.
'Just like winning regularly and getting good marks becomes a habit, so does procrastinate and losing.' 

Once the things start to get delayed other things also start to get delayed and a chain of backlogs gets created.  Important point over here is a procrastinator may be psychologically disturbed in the due course of time as he would face difficulty in seeking social stigma. Laziness, low willpower, and low ambition are some of the after effects of procrastination.

After knowing what procrastination means and why is it important. We should now discuss:
How to Avoid Procrastination?   

Unlike, other negative things it is easy to avoid and stop procrastinating as, we just need to prioritize stuff and manage time in such a way that we can accomplish all our task within a limited period.
Once we have made a priority list we would come to know the stuff that is to be procrastinated as it would be at the bottom of our list. So, how can we stop being a procrastinated?

  1. Firstly, remind yourself that there's always more to be done than it can be done. Then ask yourself if you are getting the right things done at right time.
  2. Make a smart to-do list by including only the things that you are going to keep avoiding. Don't include things that you are going to do regularly.
  3. Break the task down to lessen the sense of being overwhelmed. Once you start enjoying accomplishing the fractions of your work, you are more likely to complete it.
  4. Eliminate the temptation of doing something else.
  5. Bargain with yourself like, if you finish that particular job then only you can go out for other stuff.
  6. Focus on the success you will achieve and the joy you will feel at the end of the task.
  7. Make your intentions public. This will add pressure and 'embarrassment is the mightiest motivator'.    
~Jay Mehta


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