Thursday, April 26, 2018

Friday, April 20, 2018

How to write a technical paper?


There are a lot of different definitions of technical writing. But, the one given by Jeff Grabill from Georgia State University, best defines the process. He says and I quote, "Technical writing is writing that helps users solve problems with technologies and technical subject matter."

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Origin of Lord Voldemort – Harry Potter Explained!

Origin of Lord Voldemort – Explained!

My favorite villain of all times after the Joker from Batman is undoubtedly Lord Voldemort. Not only that but he is one of my favorite characters from the Harry Potter Series. I find him very fascinating and intriguing – hence the blog post entirely on him.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Homonyms Explained!

Homonyms Explained!

I am sure you must have come across words that sound alike but have different meanings. For instance blue and blew. Often such words come in pairs. However, the largest group of such words used in English is a septuplet: "Raise, Rays, Rase, Raze, Rehs, Res, Reis"

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Saturday, February 24, 2018

What the... FUCHSIA!!

Google: Project Fuschia

Book Review: 13 Reasons Why... By Jay Asher

Book Review: 13 Reasons Why...

Disclaimer: This book shall not be passed on or suggested or read by any faint-hearted person, especially the one suffering from suicidal tendencies. This book may act as a catalyst to their suicidal attempts or may give them a reason for it. If you still insist on reading and giving it a shot then do read it with your friends or family member. Although the book is in no way responsible to promote suicide and neither does it give any hints to promote such acts. This post is not responsible for any illegal attempts done by any individual. I assure you that, I am in no way responsible to promote the blame game and any mischevious act that leads to the death of an individual by any means. Wishing you a safe life and a bright future. 
You only live once, make the best use of it! Dying is not a solution, it is just an escape to face any problems.

Warning: The book contains socially unaccepted acts like rape, taunting, blaming, shaming, and suicidal attempts amongst other aspects which are portrayed in the novel to spread the awareness of such dormant events occurring in a teenagers life.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Who is the real Sherlock Holmes??

Who is the real Sherlock Holmes?? 

The Science of Deduction!!

 The Science of Deduction:

  1. People who blink more might be wearing contact lens.
  2. Handwriting with the upstrokes being lighter than the down-strokes means, the person has studied calligraphy. More the pressure, darker the strokes appear. The embossed marking created on the back of the paper can indicate the amount of pressure. 
  3. Uneven scoring of the sole of a shoe indicates a limp. The distinct difference indicates longer time span of the limp. If one part of the sole seems to be untouched than then limp is either permanent or had lasted for the lifetime of the shoe. 
  4. People who spent a significant amount of time in the country tend to make wide turns while driving in order to drift closer to the centerline and grip the wheels tighter. 
  5. If a person has more freckles on the face, then he must be a daytime driver.
  6. If there is a ring in the hand, then the person is either married or superstitious. 
  7. If the ring is shiny, then happily married. 
  8. If the ring is dirty from outside and clean from inside then possibly person does not share a happy married life and might have an affair.
  9. If there is no ring, then the person is either a divorcee or might have been looted. 
  10. If the ring is on left hand, then the person is left-handed. If it is on the right, then the person is dexterous. 
  11. If the watch is on the right hand, then the person is a left-handed. 
  12. If the mug of tea or coffee faces to the left side, then the person is left-handed. 
  13. The hand that is more developed suggests that the person uses that hand for most of the mundane job. 
  14. If pen and paper are on the left side of the telephone then the person is left-handed. 
  15. If a person’s face is tanned as compared to his palms and wrists, then the person might have visited tropics or might have been to the beech recently. 
  16. If a person is masculine and well build then they are thought to have gone to the gym for quite a while or have had physical training sessions. Such people are observed to have followed a healthy disciplined diet for some time now.

Much more will be added with due course of time. Stay Tuned!! Updates would be made every week. Till then practices observing these deductions to get better at it with time. Best of luck on your odyssey to unravel the mysteries a human carries deep within him. 

See you soon! 

~Jay Mehta

 Thank You!
  Jay Mehta.

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Friday, January 5, 2018

Pikachu Explained!!!

PIKACHU - Electro-cute-ing Pokemon

If you are an aficionado of Pokemon series or game then, you should definitely check out these electrifying facts about the most famous and alluring Pokemon, which always invigorated you. Yes, it is none other than our Pikachu. 


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